Cinematic Justice

Consider me Judge, Jury, and Executioner for the entertainment industry. It's a difficult task, but someone has to do it. Enough prattle, let us begin...

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Location: London, United Kingdom

I'm the purveyor of the entertainment industry as a whole. Nothing escapes my wrath. If you feel as if I've overlooked anything or anyone, by all means let me know and I will rectify the situation forthwith.

05 May 2006

No wonder Demi married him

Ashton Kutcher just keeps getting richer. Sony has optioned a pitch (otherwise known as a half-baked idea) by writer Kevin Bisch (he wrote HITCH) as a starring vehicle for Ashton. The story centers on a male florist who is also LA's best relationship broker. Mr Punk'd will take home a cool $10 Million against 10% of the grosses. He's also producing. I guess this means Bruce is off the hook for putting the kids through college.


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