Cinematic Justice

Consider me Judge, Jury, and Executioner for the entertainment industry. It's a difficult task, but someone has to do it. Enough prattle, let us begin...

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Location: London, United Kingdom

I'm the purveyor of the entertainment industry as a whole. Nothing escapes my wrath. If you feel as if I've overlooked anything or anyone, by all means let me know and I will rectify the situation forthwith.

02 May 2006

Spike TV unveils the SCREAM awards

As if the world needs yet another awards show, Spike TV has announced its plans for the October SCREAM awards, honoring the best in horror and sci-fi over the past year. Kudos will be given to genre favs in film, television, music, comic books, and video games. "There is so much to celebrate," said Casey Patterson, Senior VP Event Production. And so much advertising to sell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's going to be awesome...I'm so excited!!

June 06, 2006 7:54 AM  

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