Cinematic Justice

Consider me Judge, Jury, and Executioner for the entertainment industry. It's a difficult task, but someone has to do it. Enough prattle, let us begin...

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Location: London, United Kingdom

I'm the purveyor of the entertainment industry as a whole. Nothing escapes my wrath. If you feel as if I've overlooked anything or anyone, by all means let me know and I will rectify the situation forthwith.

26 April 2006

Medical Emergency on Wisteria Lane

Desperate Housewife Teri Hatcher suffered a scratched cornea Tuesday, when a light bulb exploded on the set of the ABC power series. "I was taken to a wonderful eye doctor, and am now wearing a most glamorous eye patch over the right half of my face," Hatcher said. Perhaps Susan was a pirate wench in a former life? Run with that one, Marc Cherry.


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