Cinematic Justice

Consider me Judge, Jury, and Executioner for the entertainment industry. It's a difficult task, but someone has to do it. Enough prattle, let us begin...

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Location: London, United Kingdom

I'm the purveyor of the entertainment industry as a whole. Nothing escapes my wrath. If you feel as if I've overlooked anything or anyone, by all means let me know and I will rectify the situation forthwith.

25 April 2006

Ana-Lucia headed to the Big House

As punishment for her December 1, 2005 drunk driving arrest -- her second in two years -- LOST co-star Michelle Rodriguez has chosen a 5-day prison stay over 240 hours of community service. "I kind of have to get back to my life, go back to making some money," Rodriguez said. Given her reputation, it was probably a wise choice. She certainly won't be anyone's bitch.


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